Applications Open Now

Bullshit-Free Business Awards For Tradies.

Spotlight your business with the first ever Tradies-only business awards (because not all business awards are a wank)

You’re invited…

We’ve been working with some incredible trades businesses for a while now, and we feel that YOU deserve some recognition. The Tradies In Business Excellence Awards are designed to celebrate the huge growth of your business over the past year, how you’ve adapt and survive changing markets, bosses with adoring employees and more.

We hope our annual Excellence Awards will also provide a new goal for other Trades business owners to aim to achieve in the coming years.


Be part of the world’s first bullshit-free Business Awards for Tradies. Don’t hesitate – and don’t let anything throw a spanner in the works.

You love what you do. You’re damn good at it.

And you’ve created a business that’s bloody awesome.

So let’s give it the recognition it deserves.

Recent Client Stories

Through this Summit, I’m changing my thinking to reflect how I care for my clients, not how I currently show that care. Since I have the obvious advantage of being very visual and feeling based trade, I’ll make use of that to create the extraordinary moments. Thanks to the sessions I’m also committing to set up a bank system, all 10 of them at two different banks

Steve Rooney

Nic and Warrick (Waz) have a unique coaching style, their online events I found are informative and held in a relaxed manner, where you can join in the conversation, and give some feedback or just listen and take notes. The content is always relative to the problems that we encounter in our businesses, Nic and Waz are always thinking outside the box to come up with solutions to solve those problems. Jump online and check them out.

Lloyd Osbon

Why suffer in silence? When you can amazing business coaches and TIB community support your every move in business? (and I mean the old and the bad!) They are there to support you and help you become the best version of yourself and your business identity! Don’t wait as long as we did to have this in our lives…sign up now!

Cam & Emily Guest

The Summit helped me to work on a ‘financial dashboard’ and have a complete rearrangement of my finances and structures. The Summit also taught me to have a few pineapple/curious conversations with some staff members and re-evaluate how we interact with clients and what we can do to win them on-side completely.

Reece Gately
Business Awards For Tradies

Preheading Example

Roll With The Crew Behind The Tradie Business Awards

Warrick Bidwell and Nicole Cox (or Waz and Nic) have been working with trade business owners for more than ten years. Supporting them to implement the necessary steps to get ‘off the tools’ and into true business ownership.

More importantly, Waz and Nic both come from trade backgrounds themselves, so they have real-world experience in the frustrations, challenges, opportunities and stuff-ups that are the reality of what life is like for #tradiesinbusiness!

If you want a better lifestyle, easier business and less stress? We are here to help you make the change that can point you in the right direction. Join our group to help steer you back on course and keep you on track where you should be!


Frequently Asked Questions

If you nod to any of the following, You’re in!
– Your alarm goes off at piss early in the morning
– You swing the ute past a servo or bakery to grab a coffee (sometimes iced) and a sausage roll and/or pie for brekkie (either that or a four-pack of V and a pack of Winnie Blues)
– You completed an apprenticeship (thanks TAFE/trade college)
– You’re a registered Australian business
– You call yourself a sparkie, brickie, chippy, dunny diver, etc – just not a desk driver
– You’re good. Damn good.

– A 2022 Tradies in Business Awards logo (Highly Commended or Winner) to include in your collateral
– Awesome swag to celebrate your achievements
– A Press Kit (category winners and highly commended)
– Targeted exposure to our sponsors and entire membership base via:
— Live event streaming
— Social media exposure
— eNewsletter
— A Post-Awards ‘pick your brain’ podcast, and more.

– Choose your category/categories from those above and register. We’ll shoot through the questions and other info in the form. Read through and answer the questions either in video, email or however suits you