Industry Champion


Industry Champion


Are you a business – or do you know a business – that champions their industry? That’s proactive within their community? Or is active with a social cause or enterprise?

These are the Buzz Lightyears of the industry, going to infinity and beyond for their clients, community, and the galaxy at large.

True philanthropists, these people don’t just stop at ‘good enough’, and they’re not after the cash rewards either (well, not solely ☺) – their hearts are dead-set bursting with love for their fellow humans, and they just HAVE to share it.

If that sounds like you (or someone you know), WE have to know.

Let’s shout about their industry contributions and generosity from the virtual rooftops. Drop ‘em right in it with our Industry Champion Award.


To be eligible, your apprentice must:

  • Be a registered, bona-fide Aussie trade business.

If you’re nominating a person, they must be employed by, or volunteer for, a registered, bona-fide Aussie trade business.